5  Sample Data

The sample data and the Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb) files are provided in the tutorial.zip file:

├── data
│   ├── bycode2019-2.xlsx
│   ├── hef_res200-m.aux
│   ├── HEF_res200-M.tfw
│   ├── HEF_res200-M.tif
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.cpg
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.dbf
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.prj
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.sbn
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.sbx
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.shp
│   ├── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.shp.xml
│   └── TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.shx
├── images
│   ├── docs_geopandas.png
│   ├── docs_rasterio.png
│   ├── gdf-flow.svg
│   ├── gdf-structure.svg
│   └── rasterio-structure.svg
├── raster.ipynb
└── vector.ipynb

The sample data files and sources are listed in Table 5.1.

Table 5.1: Sample data files and sources
Filename Description Source
bycode2019-2.xlsx יישובים בישראל 2019 https://data.gov.il/dataset/settlement-2019
TAZ_NORTH_POPDENS_2016.shp צפיפות אוכלוסיה לקילומטר רבוע בצפון הארץ https://data.gov.il/dataset/taz_north_popdens_2016
HEF_res200-M.tif תצלום אויר 2015 2 מטר - גליון חיפה https://data.gov.il/dataset/hef