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  2. Comprehensive R Archive Network↩︎







  9. Prefixing code output with # makes the interpreter ignore it (Section 1.3.3). That way, the entire code output can be safely copied and pasted into the interpretor.↩︎

  10. “To understand computations in R, two slogans are helpful: (1) Everything that exists is an object. (2) Everything that happens is a function call.” (Chambers, 2014, Statistical Science,↩︎

  11. The full list of date format symbols can be found in ?strptime↩︎

  12. When typing value < -213, make sure there is a space between < and -. Otherwise the combination is interpreted as an assignment operator <-!↩︎

  13. Note that, when comparing rates of change, which is what we inmlicitly do with which.min(d_value) and which.max(d_value), we need to divide the differences (diff(value)) by the time differences (diff(time)). In this particular dataset, this does not matter, because the time differences between measurements are fixed at ~6 months.↩︎

  14. In R versions <4.0.0, the additional stringAsFactors=FALSE argument was required to prevent the conversion of text columns to factor, which is what we usually want. A factor is a special type of a categorical vector. It is less relevant for our purposes and therefore we will not be using factor objects in this book. In R ≥4.0.0, we do not need to worry about that since stringAsFactors=FALSE became the default in functions data.frame, read.csv (Section 4.4.1) and st_read (Section 7.7).↩︎

  15. R has other functions for reading tables in other formats, such as the read.xlsx function, from the openxlsx package, for reading Excel (.xlsx) files.↩︎

  16. If there are numerous matches, the corresponding rows of x are duplicated to accomodate all matching values. This is usually an undesired situation. Therefore, we want to make sure that all values in the key column of y are unique, before doing a left join. That way, we make sure that no duplication takes place, and the join result contains exactly the same number of rows as x.↩︎

  17. Population in 2019, based on Wikipedia.↩︎

  18. Since R 4.0.0 (↩︎

  19. Due to the conventions of image, a matrix image is actually reversed in 90 degrees compared to the textual representation of a matrix. To get the same orientation as in the textual representation, use image(t(apply(volcano,2,rev)))↩︎

  20. There are similar functions named rowSums and colSums for calculating row and column sums, respectively.↩︎

  21. Note that there are no data structure for zero-dimensional data structures (i.e., scalars) in R.↩︎


  23. Unless a new version of a package was released and we want to update it, in which case we need to re-install the package.↩︎

  24. GeoTIFF files can come with both *.tif and *.tiff file extension, so if one of them does not work you should try the other.↩︎

  25. Note that offset and delta should be set together, since setting one of them resets the other to NA.↩︎


  27. This type of a false color image mapping emphasizes green vegetation (in red).↩︎

  28. We can also do the above reclassification with a single expression, using cut(ndvi, breaks = c(-Inf, 0.2, Inf)). This becomes especially convenient if we have numerous categories or classes. The result consists of values of type factor, which we don’t go into in this book.↩︎

  29. st_apply also accepts vector of (fixed) length n larger than 1, in which case st_apply returns a multi-band raster with n layers.↩︎

  30. in Windows.↩︎

  31. For a complete list of vector formats that can be read with st_read, run st_drivers(what="vector").↩︎

  32. Use valid_udunits() to see the list of available units.↩︎

  33. To avoid these “patches”, we can reduce the precision of the calculation using function st_set_precision. For example, compare the plot of st_union(st_set_precision(nm, units::set_units(1, "m"))) with the plot of st_union(nm) (Figure 8.10) (↩︎

  34. Alternatively, the group_by and summarize functions from package dplyr can also be used for aggregation: s2 = s %>% group_by(NAME_1) %>% summarize(area = sum(area)).↩︎

  35. For example, when the resolution of the new grid is coarser than the resolution of the original raster.↩︎

  36. The raster package does have such a function, named focal.↩︎

  37. The st_as_sf function is used to transform from stars to sf, which we learn about in Section 10.3.↩︎

  38. If necessary, we can convert those pixels that have NA in all layers to polygons, too, by specifying na.rm=FALSE.↩︎

  39. If necessary, we can convert those pixels that have NA in all layers to points, too, by specifying na.rm=FALSE.↩︎

  40. Recall that we already used aggregate for a different use case: dissolving vector layers by attribute (Section 8.4).↩︎

  41. Note that using aggregate to extract raster values by polygons is only appropriate for non-overlapping polygons. For polygons that are potentially overlapping, use raster::extract.↩︎

  42. The ~ 1 part means there are no independent variables other than the intercept.↩︎