Chapter 3 Time series and function definitions
Last updated: 2022-02-21 17:09:13
Our aims in this chapter are:
- Learn to work with data which represent time (specifically, dates)
- Learn how to visualize our data, using graphical functions
- Learn to define custom functions
3.1 Dates and time series
3.1.1 Times and time series classes in R
Although our focus in this book is on spatial data, it is often necessary to work with times, and time series, when processing and analyzing spatial data. In particular, spatial data may contain temporal information—such as a time series of satellite images where each image is associated with a date (Figure 6.7), or a point layer representing a GPS recording where each point is associated with a time stamp. This type of data is known as spatio-temporal data. We will cover several specific methods to process spatio-temporal data in Chapter 11.
In R, there are several special classes for representing times and time-series (time+data). First of all, let us define what do we mean by those terms:
- The term times refers to a series of values that represent specific points in time, at a given resolution, such as days (e.g.,
) or seconds (e.g.,2021-10-26 15:21:37
). - The term time series refers to the combination of times and corresponding values, or measurements, associated with those times. A time series is said to be univariate, when the times are associate with one series (e.g., a time series of daily rainfall), or multivariate, when the times are associate with more than one series of values representing different variables (e.g., a time series of daily rainfall, minimum temperature, maximum temperature, and average humidity).
Here is a list of commonly used classes to represent times, and time series, in R:
- Times:
—To represent times at daily resolution (Section 3.1.2)POSIXct
—To represent times at second (or sub-second) resolution
- Time series:
In this book, we will only be working with the Date
class, which is used to represent times of type date.
3.1.2 Working with Date
objects Today’s date
The simplest data structure for representing times is Date
, used to represent dates (without time of day). For example, we can get the current date with Sys.Date
= Sys.Date()
x## [1] "2022-02-21"
The printed output has the same appearance as that of character
vectors. Calling the class
function (Section 1.3.11) on x
, however, reveals this is indeed an object of the specialized class Date
## [1] "Date" Converting character
to Date
We can also convert character
values to Date
, using as.Date
. That way, we can create a Date
object representing not just today’s date, but any date we want:
= as.Date("2014-10-20") x
x## [1] "2014-10-20"
## [1] "Date"
When the character
values are in the standard date format known as ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD
), such as in the above example, the as.Date
function works without any additional arguments. However, when the character
values are in a non-standard format, we need to specify the format definition with format
, using date component symbols.
Table 3.1 lists the most commonly used symbols for specifying date formats in R11. The date format specification basically tells as.Date
which formats are being used to convey the year/month/day information, in what order, and whether there are additional fixed characters (such as -
or /
). For example, using the Date
format symbols, the standard format is specified as "%Y-%m-%d"
Symbol | Example | Meaning |
%d |
"15" |
Day |
%m |
"08" |
Month, numeric |
%b |
"Aug" |
Month, 3-letter |
%B |
"August" |
Month, full |
%y |
14 |
Year, 2-digit |
%Y |
2014 |
Year, 4-digit |
Before going into examples of date formatting, it is useful to set the standard "C"
locale in R. That way, we make sure that month names (%B
and %b
) are interpreted in English. Setting the standard "C"
local is done with the following expression:
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
## [1] "C"
For example, converting the following character
date—which is in a non-standard format—to Date
fails when format
is not specified:
## Error in charToDate(x): character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
Specifying the right format
, which is "%d/%b/%y"
in this case, leads to a successful conversion:
as.Date("07/Aug/12", format = "%d/%b/%y")
## [1] "2012-08-07"
What will be the result if we used
) in the above expression?
Here is another example with a different non-standart format ("%Y-%B-%d"
## Error in charToDate(x): character string is not in a standard unambiguous format
as.Date("2012-August-07", format = "%Y-%B-%d")
## [1] "2012-08-07" Converting Date
to character
The opposite conversion, from Date
to character
, is done using function as.character
= as.Date("1955-11-30")
d## [1] "1955-11-30"
## [1] "Date"
## [1] "1955-11-30"
## [1] "character"
Remember that Date
and character
objects are printed exactly the same way! We have to use class
to figure out which class we are dealing with.
The as.character
function, by default, returns a text string with all three date components in the standard YYYY-MM-DD
(or "%Y-%m-%d"
) format. Using the format
argument and the same notation as in as.Date
(Table 3.1), however, we can compose different date formats, or extract individual date components out of a Date
d## [1] "1955-11-30"
as.character(d, format = "%m/%Y")
## [1] "11/1955"
as.character(d, "%d")
## [1] "30"
as.character(d, "%B")
## [1] "November"
as.character(d, "%Y")
## [1] "1955"
Note that as.character
consistently returns a character
, even when the result contains nothing but numbers, as in "%d"
or "%Y"
. When necessary, we can convert from character
to numeric
using the as.numeric
as.numeric(as.character(d, "%Y"))
## [1] 1955 Arithmetic operations with dates
At this point, you may ask yourself why do we even bother to create Date
objects, dealing with date formats, instead of simply working with character
dates. The reason is that representing dates as Date
makes it possible to do extremely useful operations, such as date arithmetic.
Date arithmetic means that Date
objects act like numeric vectors, with respect to certain operations that make sense for dates, such as:
- Conditional operators—Comparing which date is earlier or later
- Subtraction between two dates—Calculating the time difference between two dates
- Addition or subtraction between a date and a number—Calculating the date X days from the given date
- Creating sequences with
—Creating date sequences
We will now see an example of each operation. Starting with conditional operators, the following expression uses a conditional operator to check whether today’s date is after 2013-01-01
Sys.Date() > as.Date("2013-01-01")
## [1] TRUE
The subtraction operator (-
) can be used to calculate the time difference between two dates:
= Sys.Date() - as.Date("2013-01-01")
x## Time difference of 3338 days
The result is an object of class difftime
## [1] "difftime"
which can be converted to numeric, using as.numeric
, along with the unit
we are interested in:
as.numeric(x, unit = "hours")
## [1] 80112
as.numeric(x, unit = "days")
## [1] 3338
as.numeric(x, unit = "weeks")
## [1] 476.8571
A date, plus or minus a number, gives a new date, the specified days before or after the given one. For example:
as.Date("2013-01-01") + 50
## [1] "2013-02-20"
as.Date("2013-01-01") - 1000
## [1] "2010-04-07"
Finally, using the seq
function—which we are already familiar with (Section—we can create a sequence of consecutive dates. For example, the following expression creates a sequence of dates:
- starting at
, - ending at (or before)
, and - with a step size of 7 days
seq(from = as.Date("2018-10-14"), to = as.Date("2019-01-11"), by = 7)
## [1] "2018-10-14" "2018-10-21" "2018-10-28" "2018-11-04" "2018-11-11"
## [6] "2018-11-18" "2018-11-25" "2018-12-02" "2018-12-09" "2018-12-16"
## [11] "2018-12-23" "2018-12-30" "2019-01-06"
As you can see, Date
is a vector-like class. Most of the methods we learned about vectors, such as subsetting or recycling, apply to Date
objects exactly the same way as to numeric
, character
and logical
3.1.3 Time series
In this book, we will not be working with specialized time series classes, such as ts
(Section 3.1.1). Instead, we will use the straightforward “manual” approach of treating a sequence of measurements and a corresponding sequence of times, referring to when those measurements were taken, as a time series. For straightforward operations, such as subsetting or calculating time differences, this approach has the advantage that we do not need to learn about any special classes other than vectors. However, for using specialized time-series calculations, such as focal filtering or filling of missing values (which is beyond the scope of this book), we do need to use specialized classes such as mentioned above.
For example, let’s define two vectors:
- Water level in Lake Kinneret—a
vector namedvalue
- The corresponding date when water level was measured—a
vector namedtime
The water measurements were taken in May and in November, in each year during 1991-2011.
The values of value
are specified “manually”:
= c(-211.92, -212.79, -208.8, -209.52, -208.84, -209.72, -209.12,
value -210.94, -209.01, -210.85, -209.6, -211.4, -210.24, -212.01,
-210.46, -212.25, -211.76, -213, -211.92, -213.71, -213.13, -214.78,
-213.18, -214.34, -209.74, -210.93, -208.92, -210.69, -209.73,
-211.64, -210.68, -212.03, -211.1, -212.6, -212.18, -214.23,
-213.26, -214.33, -212.65, -213.89, -212.37, -213.68)
The values of time
are constructed using rep
, paste0
, and as.Date
= rep(1991:2011, each = 2)
time = paste0(time, c("-05-15", "-11-15"))
time = as.Date(time)
time## [1] "1991-05-15" "1991-11-15" "1992-05-15" "1992-11-15" "1993-05-15"
## [6] "1993-11-15" "1994-05-15" "1994-11-15" "1995-05-15" "1995-11-15"
## [11] "1996-05-15" "1996-11-15" "1997-05-15" "1997-11-15" "1998-05-15"
## [16] "1998-11-15" "1999-05-15" "1999-11-15" "2000-05-15" "2000-11-15"
## [21] "2001-05-15" "2001-11-15" "2002-05-15" "2002-11-15" "2003-05-15"
## [26] "2003-11-15" "2004-05-15" "2004-11-15" "2005-05-15" "2005-11-15"
## [31] "2006-05-15" "2006-11-15" "2007-05-15" "2007-11-15" "2008-05-15"
## [36] "2008-11-15" "2009-05-15" "2009-11-15" "2010-05-15" "2010-11-15"
## [41] "2011-05-15" "2011-11-15"
These two vectors, taken together, comprise a univariate time series, where:
specifies the time of measurementvalue
specifies the values of the measured variable, namely the water level of lake Kinneret
It should be noted, at this point, that a table is more natural for representing a collection of corresponding vectors, such as the times and measurements that comprise a time series, as shown below. A table in R is represented with a class called data.frame
, which we learn about in Chapter 4. For now, here is what the first six rows of the data.frame
containing the same data would look like:
head(data.frame(time, value))
## time value
## 1 1991-05-15 -211.92
## 2 1991-11-15 -212.79
## 3 1992-05-15 -208.80
## 4 1992-11-15 -209.52
## 5 1993-05-15 -208.84
## 6 1993-11-15 -209.72
3.1.4 Operations with time series
Let us move on to demonstrate common questions we can ask about a time series, how they can be answered in R. We will use several methods we already learned earlier (Chapter 2), and a new one (Section 3.1.5).
What was the average water level in based on all measurements combined?
Did the water level ever go below -213
(the “red line”)? We can find out using the any
function (Section 2.4.1)12:
any(value < -213)
## [1] TRUE
How can we find out the dates when the measured water level was below -213
? We can use the logical vector value < -213
to subset (Section the time
< -213]
time[value ## [1] "2000-11-15" "2001-05-15" "2001-11-15" "2002-05-15" "2002-11-15"
## [6] "2008-11-15" "2009-05-15" "2009-11-15" "2010-11-15" "2011-11-15"
How can we find out the years and months when the water level was below -213
? We can first “extract” those components out of the Date
= as.numeric(as.character(time, "%m"))
month = as.numeric(as.character(time, "%Y")) year
Then, subset those vectors:
< -213]
month[value ## [1] 11 5 11 5 11 11 5 11 11 11
< -213]
year[value ## [1] 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2008 2009 2009 2010 2011
3.1.5 Consecutive differences
The diff
function can be used to create a vector of differences between consecutive elements. For example, suppose we have the vector:
= c(15, 8, 23, 24) x
is returns a vector with the values c(8-15, 23-8, 24-23)
## [1] -7 15 1
Note that the length of diff(x)
is one element less that x
, because we don’t have the difference for the first (or last) element, depending how you look at it. To keep x
and diff(x)
aligned, we can add an NA
at the beginning (or end) of the vector. For example, an NA
at the beginning implies that the difference between the first element and the previous one is not available:
c(NA, diff(x))
## [1] NA -7 15 1
Here is an example of applying the same expression on value
, to calculate the change in Kinneret water level between consecutive measurements separated by 6 months:
= c(NA, diff(value))
d_value## [1] NA -0.87 3.99 -0.72 0.68 -0.88 0.60 -1.82 1.93 -1.84 1.25 -1.80
## [13] 1.16 -1.77 1.55 -1.79 0.49 -1.24 1.08 -1.79 0.58 -1.65 1.60 -1.16
## [25] 4.60 -1.19 2.01 -1.77 0.96 -1.91 0.96 -1.35 0.93 -1.50 0.42 -2.05
## [37] 0.97 -1.07 1.68 -1.24 1.52 -1.31
Now we can find out, for example, which time period had the biggest water level decrease or increase in water level13, using which.min
and which.max
(Section 2.4.3), respectively:
which.min(d_value)] # Date of biggest decrease
time[## [1] "2008-11-15"
which.max(d_value)] # Date of biggest increase
time[## [1] "2003-05-15"
Recall that which.min
and which.max
ignore NA
values (Section 2.4.3), which is appropriate in this case.
3.2 Graphics
3.2.1 The plot
The function named plot
is the basic graphical function in R. plot
is also an example of a generic function. Generic functions are functions that do different things when we pass different classes as their input, according to the predefined method for that class. For example, plot
displays different graphical output depending on the type of input(s). Given a numeric
vector, plot
displays its values in a two dimensional plot. Given a raster or a vector layer, plot
displays the layer in the form of a map, as we will see later on (Sections 5.3.7 and 7.8, respectively).
Here is an example of plotting a numeric vector with plot
(Figure 3.1):
plot(value, type = "b")

Figure 3.1: Plot of the value
Note that:
- Vector indices are displayed on the x-axis
- Vector values are displayed on the y-axis
The type="b"
argument means draw both points and lines. Other useful options for type
for points (the default)type="l"
for linestype="o"
for overplotted lines and points
When working with RStudio, the graphical output should appear in a separate panel (Figure 1.14). Graphical output can also be “diverted” to a file, using format-specific functions such as pdf
, jpeg
, png
, svg
, etc. Check out the Examples section in the documentation of those functions to see how they can be used.
Try executing the above plot expression with all possible
arguments, to see what the results look like.
3.2.2 Specifying x-axis values
If we pass two vectors to plot
, the values of the first vector appears on the x-axis, while the values of the second vector appear on the y-axis. For example, we can put the times of water level measurement on the x-axis, as follows (Figure 3.2). The plot
function automatically places labels (such as years) when the x-axis values are a Date
plot(time, value, type = "b")

Figure 3.2: value
as function of time
3.2.3 Horizontal lines
We can add a horizontal line displaying the Kinneret “red line” using abline
with the h
parameter. The h
parameter determines the y-axis value for the horizontal line. Note that abline
draws an additional “layer” in an existing graphical device, which was initiated with plot
(Figure 3.3):
plot(time, value, type = "b")
abline(h = -213)

Figure 3.3: Adding a horizontal line with abline
3.2.4 Plotting multiple series
Other additional “layers”, or such as other series of measurements, can be added to an existing plot using the functions points
and lines
. For example, the following code section draws the May and November measurements as separate time series in the same plot. We are using the graphical parameter col
to specify a different line color. In addition, we are setting the y-axis range with ylim
to make sure both time series fit inside the displayed range. The ylim
argument needs to be a vector of length two, the minimum and the maximum (Figure 3.4):
== 5],
time[month == 5],
value[month ylim = range(value),
type = "b",
col = "red"
== 11],
time[month == 11],
value[month type = "b",
col = "blue"
)abline(h = -213)

Figure 3.4: Adding a second series with lines
3.2.5 Axis labels
One more important plot detail is the axis labels. Axis labels can be set using the xlab
and ylab
parameters of plot
, as follows (Figure 3.5):
plot(time, value, type = "b", xlab = "Time", ylab = "Elevation (m)")
abline(h = -213)

Figure 3.5: Setting axis labels
3.2.6 Text annotations
Finally, we can add text annotations on top of an existing plot, using the text
function. The `text function requires:
—A numeric (orDate
) vector of x-axis positionsy
—A vector of y-axis positionslabels
vector of text labels. Note that this must becharacter
)! If necessary, numeric values can be converted tocharacter
Given this inputs, text
adds the text values (labels
) in the specified x/y locations (x
). Additional useful parameters of text
—Position where the label will be placed relatively to the x/y location, with possible values values ofNULL
, or4
, meaning, exactly where the x/y point is, below, left, above, or right, from it, respectively.
Here is an example of using text
to annotate the time series, marking the times of maximum increase and maximum decrease in water levels, and the associated change in water level (Figure 3.6). These expressions are quite complex, but they are mostly composed of vector operations we learned earlier. The one thing that is new here is the use of round(x,2)
, to round the number x
to two decimal places.
plot(time, value, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Elevation (m)", type = "b")
value[paste0("+", round(d_value[which.max(d_value)], 2)),
pos = 3,
col = "blue"
) text(
value[as.character(round(d_value[which.min(d_value)], 2)),
pos = 3,
col = "red"

Figure 3.6: Times of biggest increase (2003) and decrease (2008) in the Kinneret water level time series
3.3 Defining custom functions
3.3.1 Function definition components
In Section 1.3.6, we learned that a function call is an instruction to execute a certain function, as in:
f(arg1, arg2, ...)
The function itself is actually an object containing code, which is loaded into the RAM, and can be executed with specific arguments. So far, we met functions defined in the default R packages (e.g., mean
, seq
, length
, etc.). Later on we will also use functions from external packages 5.3.3. In this section, we learn how to define our own custom functions.
Here is an example of a funciton definition, where we define a function named add_five
that has one parameter x
. The function calculates and returns the sum of x
and 5
= function(x) {
add_five = x + 5
x_plus_five return(x_plus_five)
Let us go over the components of a function definition expression in R. The function definition expression is composed of:
- A function name (
) - The assignment operator (
) - The
keyword (function
) - Parameter(s), inside parentheses and separated by commas (
) - Curly brackets (
) - Code (
x_plus_five = x + 5
) - Returned value (
) - Curly brackets (
3.3.2 Function definition vs. function call
The idea is that the code inside the function gets executed each time the function is called. For example, the function we just defined, add_five
, can be used to calculate the sum of various numbers and five. Here is, again, the add_five
function definition:
# Function definition
= function(x) {
add_five = x + 5
x_plus_five return(x_plus_five)
And here are two function calls of the add_five
function, using different arguments 5
and 77
# Function call, with argument 5
## [1] 10
# Function call, with argument 77
## [1] 82
Note the returned values, 10
and 82
, printed in the console.
3.3.3 Local variables
When we make a function call, the values we pass as function arguments are assigned to local variables which the function code can use. Those local variables are not accessible in the global environment. For example, even though we just executed two function calls of add_five
, where the local variable x_plus_five
was defined, x_plus_five
is not available in the global environment:
x_plus_five## Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'x_plus_five' not found
3.3.4 Returned value
Every function returns a value. We can assign the returned value to a variable, in case we want to keep it in memory for later use:
= add_five(3)
result## [1] 8
A return
expression, such as the one we used in add_five
, is optional and can be omitted:
If the return
expression is omitted, the returned value is the result of the last expression in the function body. The following alternative definition of add_five
, where the assignment and the return
expressions were omitted, is therefore identical:
= function(x) {
add_five + 5
x }
We can also omit the {
and }
parentheses in case the code consists of a single expression. Therefore the add_five
function definition can be simplified to much shorter code than our initial version, as follows:
= function(x) x + 5 add_five
3.3.5 Default arguments
Default arguments (Section 2.3.7) can be specified as part of the function definition. In case there is a default value, we can skip that parameter in function calls.
For example, the following definition of add_five
does not specify a default value for x
. Therefore, trying to call add_five
without passing an argument for x
gives an error:
= function(x) x + 5
add_five add_five()
## Error in add_five(): argument "x" is missing, with no default
The following, an alternative definition, does specify the default value of 1
for x
. The default value is then used when calling the function without specifying x
= function(x = 1) x + 5
add_five add_five()
## [1] 6
3.3.6 Argument types
There are no restrictions for the classes and dimensions of arguments a function can accept, as long as we did not set such restrictions ourselves, e.g., using conditionals (Section 4.2.2). However, we get an error if one of the expressions in the function code is illegal given the arguments.
For example, even though we may have intended add_five
to be used with vectors of length 1, it also works for vectors of length >1, adding five to each element, because 5
in x+5
is recycled (Section 2.3.5):
## [1] 6 7 8
However, passing a character
value gives an error, because the internal expression x+5
cannot be executed when x
is not numeric (Section 1.3.7):
## Error in x + 5: non-numeric argument to binary operator
3.3.7 More examples
As another example, let’s define a function named last_minus_first
which accepts a vector and returns the difference between the last and the first elements:
= function(x) {
last_minus_first length(x)] - x[1]
x[ }
Here are two function calls to demontrate that our function indeed works as expected:
## [1] 2
## [1] -1.76
Define a function named
that accepts three arguments:
The function assigns
into the element at theindex
position of vectorx
. The function returns the modified vectorx
, as shown below.
modify(x = 1:10, index = 3, value = 55)
## [1] 1 2 55 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
modify(x = 1:10, index = 9, value = NA)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 NA 10