B List of Examples

Last updated: 2024-04-07 15:12:37

B.1 Main

Table B.1 lists all of the book’s code examples, in order of their appearance.

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TABLE B.1: List of examples
Chapter Example Description
Chapter 1 example-01-01.html A minimal web page
example-01-02.html White space collapsing
example-01-03.html Lists
example-01-04.html Images
example-01-05.html Tables
example-01-06.html Input elements
Chapter 2 example-02-01.html CSS conflicts
example-02-02.html CSS colors
example-02-03.html CSS fonts
example-02-04.html CSS box size
example-02-05.html CSS box position
example-02-06.html Hurricane scale
example-02-07.html Hurricane scale with CSS
example-02-08.html Map description text
example-02-09.html Map description positioned
example-02-10.html Map description customized
example-02-11.html Map description on web map
Chapter 4 example-04-01.html Hello JavaScript
example-04-02.html Earth poles
example-04-03.html Operating on multiple selections
example-04-04.html Multiple event listeners
example-04-05.html Event object
example-04-06.html Populating list
example-04-07.html Working with user input
Chapter 6 example-06-01.html Vector tiles (MapLibre GL JS)
example-06-02.html Basic map
example-06-03.html Adding marker
example-06-04.html Adding line
example-06-05.html Adding polygon
example-06-06.html Adding popup
example-06-07.html Adding map description
example-06-08.html Click event
Chapter 7 example-07-01.html Loading GeoJSON from object
example-07-02.html GeoJSON viewer
example-07-03.html Loading local GeoJSON
example-07-04.html Loading remote GeoJSON
Chapter 8 example-08-01.html Constant style
example-08-02.html Variable style (states)
example-08-03.html Variable style (towns)
example-08-04.html Popups from data
example-08-05.html Adding map legend
example-08-06.html Dynamic style
example-08-07.html Dynamic information box
example-08-08.html Linked view

B.2 Additional

This section provides some more examples for concepts related to the book materials, but which were left out for lack of space. You are invited to explore these examples and their source code on your own.

B.2.6 3D maps

B.2.8 Real-time data