G Setting up an SQL API

Last updated: 2020-06-24 13:45:23

G.1 Introduction

This tutorial summarizes the steps for setting up an SQL API service as an alternative to the commercial CARTO service (Section 9.2.2). The SQL API exposes a PostGIS database through HTTP, which makes it possible to get subsets of spatial layers and display them on a Leaflet map (Chapters 911) or to submit drawn layers for permanent storage (Chapter 13).

Setting up the SQL API requires going through the following steps:

  • Having a computer with a fixed IP address (Section G.2)
  • Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS (Section G.3)
  • Loading data into the database (Section G.4)
  • Adding a read-only database user (Section G.5)
  • Installing Node.js and required modules (Section G.6)
  • Testing the SQL API (Section G.7)

These instructions are more advanced than the material given in the main part of the book. If you are not familiar with the software components being used, be prepared for some amount of trial and error, which is part of the learning process.

G.2 Computer with fixed IP address

The first thing we need to take care of is having a computer with a fixed IP address, where the SQL API will run and clients will send their requests to. You can use a physical machine for this, though the simplest is to use a cloud service.

One of the simplest to use cloud solutions, which we are using in this tutorial is DigitalOcean. We can launch the smallest virtual machine, or droplet in DigitalOcean terminology, for as little as 5$ a month. The machine will have just 1 processor core and 1GB of RAM, which is enough for demonstration purposes (Figure G.1). The default operating system—Ubuntu 18.04 at the time of writing—can be used.

Selecting DigitalOcean droplet size

FIGURE G.1: Selecting DigitalOcean droplet size

Once the droplet is initiated, you need to write down its IP address. From now on you need to connect to the droplet through SSH to log into the computer and gain access to its command line interface. Everything from now on is done through the command line.

Connecting through SSH will look as follows:

where is the droplet/server IP address. You will be prompted for a password which you can get by e-mail when resetting the password through the DigitalOcean web interface.

The first thing to do is create a new user other than root:

And add it to the sudo group:

Afterwards you can connect with the new user through SSH (Figure G.2):

PostGIS database query example

FIGURE G.2: PostGIS database query example

G.3 Installing PostgreSQL and PostGIS

The first step is to install the PostgreSQL database and enable the PostGIS extension.

The instructions for installing PostgreSQL are based on the following tutorials for Ubuntu 18.04:

First, add the repository to sources.list:

Install the required packages:

Log in to the database as postgres user:

Enable “adminpack”:

Log in once again:

Create a database named gisdb and enable extensions:

To enable remote connections to the database we need to do the following.

Log in:


Edit the pg_hba.conf file:

Scroll to the bottom of the pg_hba.conf file and add a line like this (right after the local rules):

hostssl    all             all                  md5

Press Ctrl+X to save your changes, then Y to write them to the file, and Enter to exit.

Restart PostgreSQL:

Log in:

Create a superuser:

Log in as the new user:

G.4 Loading data into the database

Now that the database is set, you need to add some data. There are many ways to do that. We will use R.

Assuming R is installed, open the R console on a different computer, the one with data you want to insert into the database:

Read the plants.geojson file (download) and import it to the database from R using the following script:

Let’s test if the database works properly.

Log in to the database:

Then run the following query:

If all works well, you should see a result such as the following (Figure G.3):

   id   |    name_lat    |         st_astext          
 321432 | Iris haynei    | POINT(35.679761 32.770133)
 321433 | Iris haynei    | POINT(35.654005 32.741372)
 321456 | Iris atrofusca | POINT(35.193367 31.44711)
 321457 | Iris atrofusca | POINT(35.189142 31.514754)
 321459 | Iris vartanii  | POINT(35.139696 31.474149)
(5 rows)
PostGIS database query example

FIGURE G.3: PostGIS database query example

G.6 Installing Node.js and required modules

Next, we need to install Node.js. The DigitalOcean tutorial can be consulted.

Run the following commands to get the required packages:

Check that Node.js is installed with the following command, which should print the installed version:

We will use a Node.js script to create an SQL API for our database.

This is based on the postgis-preview example.

Create a new folder for your server app. Run the following commands to initialize the server and download the required dependencies:

Now, inside the directory create a new file named index.js with:

Then paste the following Node.js script for the SQL API inside it:

// Dependencies
let express = require("express"),
    pgp = require("pg-promise")(),
    dbgeo = require("dbgeo");
let allowCrossDomain = function(req, res, next) {
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "GET");
    res.header("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");

// Create express app and prepare db connection
let app = express();
let port = 4000;
let connectionString = "postgres://readonlyuser:whatever2@localhost:5432/gisdb";
let db = pgp(connectionString);


// Expose sql endpoint, grab query as URL parameter and send it to the database
app.get("/sql", function (req, res) {
    let sql = req.query.q;
    console.log("Executing SQL: " + sql);

    //query using pg-promise
        .then(function (data) { //use dbgeo to convert WKB from PostGIS into topojson
            return dbGeoParse(data);
        .then(function (data) {
        .catch(function (err) { //send the error message if the query didn't work
            let msg = err.message || err;
            console.log("ERROR:", msg);
                error: msg

// Parse to GeoJSON
function dbGeoParse(data) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
        dbgeo.parse(data, {
            outputFormat: "geojson"
        }, function (err, result) {
            if(err) {
            } else {

// Start the server
let server = app.listen(port, "", function () {
  let host = server.address().address;
  let port = server.address().port;
  console.log("App listening at http://%s:%s", host, port);

While still inside the directory, type the following command to start the server:

To run the server indefinitely, it is preferable to use pm2. It can be installed as follows:


G.7 Testing the SQL API

Enter the following URL in your browser: id, name_lat, geometry AS geom from plants limit 2

If the SQL API is working properly, you should see the following GeoJSON content in the response (Figure G.4). At the same time you should see a message in the Node.js server log (Figure G.5).

Testing the SQL API in the browser

FIGURE G.4: Testing the SQL API in the browser

Node.js server log

FIGURE G.5: Node.js server log

This setup is sufficient to reproduce the examples from Chapters 911, where the SQL API is being used to query the plants table from within a Leaflet map in several ways.

For reproducing the examples in Chapter 13, you need to create the additional table beer_sheva as instructed in Section 13.6.1, with few modifications: