A Associated files

The following tree specifies the structure of the folder that contains the book examples, solutions, and associated files needed to run the examples, such as local copies of the required JavaScript libraries. Appendices B and C give the complete lists of the example and solution files, respectively.

Download examples & exercise solutions folder (ZIP file)

|-- css
    |-- images
        |-- layers-2x.png
        |-- layers.png
        |-- marker-icon-2x.png
        |-- marker-icon.png
        |-- marker-shadow.png
        |-- spritesheet-2x.png
        |-- spritesheet.png
        |-- spritesheet.svg
    |-- leaflet.css
    |-- leaflet.draw.css
|-- data
    |-- 4.5_week.geojson
    |-- county2.geojson
    |-- events.json
    |-- plants.geojson
    |-- towns.geojson
    |-- towns_pnt.geojson
|-- images
    |-- leaflet.png
    |-- marker-shadow.png
    |-- north.svg
    |-- redIcon.png
    |-- south.svg
|-- js
    |-- jquery.js
    |-- leaflet.draw.js
    |-- leaflet.heat.js
    |-- leaflet.js
    |-- turf.js
|-- example-01-01.html
|-- example-01-02.html
|-- ....................(more examples)
|-- example-13-05.html
|-- example-13-05-s.html
|-- map.js
|-- solution-03.html
|-- solution-04.html
|-- ....................(more solutions)
|-- solution-11-s.html
|-- solution-12.html