F Exam

F.1 Topics

The material for the exam includes Chapters 15 and Chapter 7, except for the following topics:

  • The GitHub platform (Section 5.6.3)
  • The Leaflet library (Sections 7.57.6 and
  • The geojson.io and mapshaper web applications (Sections

The exam will consist of 10 multiple-choice questions.

F.2 Sample questions

F.2.1 Question 1

Which HTML element is used to create a top-level (largest) heading?

  1. <h1>

  2. <h6>

  3. <heading>

  4. <head>

19.2.1 Question 2

Given the following HTML code for a list with three items:

which CSS code can be used to make the first and third item appear with the same color?

  1. .hot {color: black} .cold {color: blue}

  2. #first {color: red}

  3. #cold {color: blue}

  4. .cold {color: blue}

F.2.2 Question 3

What will be printed in the console as a result of the following expression?

  1. [20, 30, 1]

  2. 3

  3. [20, 30]

  4. [20, 30, 30]