From “Conditionals and loops”
From “Conditionals and loops”#
Last updated: 2023-02-25 13:36:29
Exercise 03-a#
lunch = [
result = {}
for i in lunch:
if i in result:
result[i] += 1
result[i] = 1
{'Salad': 2, 'Egg': 1, 'Beef': 1, 'Potato': 3, 'Tea': 1, 'Coffee': 1}
Exercise 03-c#
import csv
count = 0
file = open("data/gtfs/stops.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig")
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
for row in reader:
count += 1
Exercise 03-d#
import csv
with open("data/gtfs/stops.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig") as file:
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
row = next(reader)
xmin = float(row["stop_lon"])
xmax = float(row["stop_lon"])
ymin = float(row["stop_lat"])
ymax = float(row["stop_lon"])
for row in reader:
row["stop_lon"] = float(row["stop_lon"])
row["stop_lat"] = float(row["stop_lat"])
if row["stop_lon"] < xmin:
xmin = row["stop_lon"]
if row["stop_lon"] > xmax:
xmax = row["stop_lon"]
if row["stop_lat"] < ymin:
ymin = row["stop_lat"]
if row["stop_lat"] > ymax:
ymax = row["stop_lat"]
[xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax]
[34.284672, 29.492193, 35.839108, 34.917554]
Exercise 03-g#
def paste(*args):
result = ""
for i in args:
result += str(i)
return result
paste("Hello", "World")
paste("A", "B", "C", 1, 2, 3)
Exercise 03-i#
import csv
file = open("data/gtfs/stops.txt", "r", encoding="utf-8-sig")
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
row = next(reader)
lat_min = float(row["stop_lat"])
for row in reader:
lat_current = float(row["stop_lat"])
if lat_current < lat_min:
lat_min = lat_current
result = row
{'stop_id': '12510',
'stop_code': '10615',
'stop_name': 'מעבר גבול טאבה',
'stop_desc': ' רחוב:דרך מצרים 168 עיר: אילת רציף: קומה: ',
'stop_lat': '29.492193',
'stop_lon': '34.904373',
'location_type': '0',
'parent_station': '',
'zone_id': '2600'}
Exercise 03-j#
import csv
result = {"ne": 0, "nw": 0, "se": 0, "sw": 0}
file = open("data/world_cities.csv", "r", encoding="utf-8")
reader = csv.DictReader(file)
for row in reader:
lon = float(row["lon"])
lat = float(row["lat"])
if(lon > 0 and lat > 0):
result["ne"] += 1
if(lon < 0 and lat > 0):
result["nw"] += 1
if(lon > 0 and lat < 0):
result["se"] += 1
if(lon < 0 and lat < 0):
result["sw"] += 1
{'ne': 28485, 'nw': 10026, 'se': 2689, 'sw': 2445}