Home assignment 5#

Last updated: 2023-02-25 13:41:32

Question 1#

  • Import the following layers:

    • data/statisticalareas_demography2019.gdb—Statistical areas

    • output/sentinel2.tif—Sentinel-2 satellite image

  • Rescale the raster values to the 0-1 range (see Rescaling) and calculate NDVI (see Calculating indices)

  • Calculate the average NDVI per statistical area in Beer-Sheva ('SHEM_YISHUV' column == 'באר שבע'), using zonal statistics (see Zonal statistics).

  • Plot the layer of average NDVI in statistical areas of Beer-Sheva. Use the "Greens" color map.

  • Note: Do not re-create sentinel2.tif in your code. Instead, import it from output/sentinel2.tif.


Question 2#

  • Import the following layers:

    • data/muni_il.shp—Israel towns

    • output/sentinel2.tif—Sentinel-2 satellite image

  • Aggregate the towns layer according to the 'Muni_Heb' column to dissolve the separate polygons per town (see Aggregation (.dissolve)).

  • Calculate an attribute named prop with the proportion of each towns’ polygon area that is within the extent of the sentinel2.tif image (Stacking raster bands). For example, Beer-Sheva is 100% within the image (prop=1.0), Meitar is ~60% within the image (prop=0.6), etc. Hint: calculate the area of the original polygons, then calculate the area of the intersections (see Set-operations (.overlay)) with image extent polygon (see Raster extent), and finally divide the intersection area by the total area.

  • Print the subset of towns layer where the proportion intersecting with the image extent is above 0, sorted by the proportion.

  • Note: Do not re-create sentinel2.tif in your code. Instead, import it from output/sentinel2.tif.

ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_13193/3713045795.py in <module>
     12 bbox = bbox.to_crs(towns.crs)
     13 # Overlay
---> 14 towns1 = towns.overlay(bbox, how='intersection')
     15 # Calculate proportion of overlap
     16 towns['area'] = towns.area

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/geodataframe.py in overlay(self, right, how, keep_geom_type, make_valid)
   2350         dimension is not taken into account.
   2351         """
-> 2352         return geopandas.overlay(
   2353             self, right, how=how, keep_geom_type=keep_geom_type, make_valid=make_valid
   2354         )

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/tools/overlay.py in overlay(df1, df2, how, keep_geom_type, make_valid)
    315             result = _overlay_difference(df1, df2)
    316         elif how == "intersection":
--> 317             result = _overlay_intersection(df1, df2)
    318         elif how == "symmetric_difference":
    319             result = _overlay_symmetric_diff(df1, df2)

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/tools/overlay.py in _overlay_intersection(df1, df2)
     28     """
     29     # Spatial Index to create intersections
---> 30     idx1, idx2 = df2.sindex.query_bulk(df1.geometry, predicate="intersects", sort=True)
     31     # Create pairs of geometries in both dataframes to be intersected
     32     if idx1.size > 0 and idx2.size > 0:

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/base.py in sindex(self)
   2704                [2]])
   2705         """
-> 2706         return self.geometry.values.sindex
   2708     @property

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/array.py in sindex(self)
    289     def sindex(self):
    290         if self._sindex is None:
--> 291             self._sindex = _get_sindex_class()(self.data)
    292         return self._sindex

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/sindex.py in _get_sindex_class()
     19     if compat.HAS_RTREE:
     20         return RTreeIndex
---> 21     raise ImportError(
     22         "Spatial indexes require either `rtree` or `pygeos`. "
     23         "See installation instructions at https://geopandas.org/install.html"

ImportError: Spatial indexes require either `rtree` or `pygeos`. See installation instructions at https://geopandas.org/install.html