From “Geometric operations”#

Last updated: 2023-02-25 13:37:27

Exercise 09-b#

import geopandas as gpd
towns = gpd.read_file('data/muni_il.shp', encoding='utf-8')
towns = towns[['Muni_Heb', 'geometry']]
towns['area'] = towns.area
towns1 = towns.sort_values('area')
'ללא שיפוט - אזור נחל ארבל'
'רמת נגב'

Exercise 09-c#

import geopandas as gpd
towns = gpd.read_file('data/muni_il.shp', encoding='utf-8')
towns = towns[['Muni_Heb', 'Shape_Area', 'geometry']]
towns['area'] = towns.area
towns.plot.scatter('area', 'Shape_Area');

Exercise 09-g#

import geopandas as gpd
# Read data & subset columns
towns = gpd.read_file('data/muni_il.shp', encoding='utf-8')
towns = towns[['Machoz', 'geometry']]
Machoz geometry
0 צפון POLYGON Z ((225369.655 770523.6...
1 דרום POLYGON Z ((206899.135 552967.8...
2 מרכז POLYGON Z ((194329.250 655299.1...
3 מרכז POLYGON Z ((196236.573 657835.0...
4 צפון POLYGON Z ((255150.135 764764.6...
... ... ...
405 דרום POLYGON Z ((164806.146 577898.8...
406 מרכז POLYGON Z ((189803.359 684152.9...
407 צפון POLYGON Z ((212294.953 763168.8...
408 ירושלים POLYGON Z ((209066.649 635655.2...
409 דרום POLYGON Z ((162082.027 592043.1...

410 rows × 2 columns

# Dissolve
districts = towns.dissolve(by='Machoz').reset_index()
Machoz geometry
0 דרום POLYGON Z ((214342.276 467536.8...
1 חיפה MULTIPOLYGON Z (((205862.732 70...
2 ירושלים POLYGON Z ((192314.625 638338.4...
3 מרכז POLYGON Z ((171159.359 631505.0...
4 צפון MULTIPOLYGON Z (((204805.266 71...
5 תל אביב POLYGON Z ((177311.878 655799.7...
# Add 'count' variable
districts['count'] = 1
Machoz geometry count
0 דרום POLYGON Z ((214342.276 467536.8... 1
1 חיפה MULTIPOLYGON Z (((205862.732 70... 1
2 ירושלים POLYGON Z ((192314.625 638338.4... 1
3 מרכז POLYGON Z ((171159.359 631505.0... 1
4 צפון MULTIPOLYGON Z (((204805.266 71... 1
5 תל אביב POLYGON Z ((177311.878 655799.7... 1
# Spatial join with self
districts = gpd.sjoin(
    districts[['Machoz', 'geometry']], 
    districts[['count', 'geometry']], 
districts = districts.drop('index_right', axis=1)
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
/tmp/ipykernel_12589/ in <module>
      1 # Spatial join with self
----> 2 districts = gpd.sjoin(
      3     districts[['Machoz', 'geometry']],
      4     districts[['count', 'geometry']],
      5     how='left',

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/tools/ in sjoin(left_df, right_df, how, predicate, lsuffix, rsuffix, **kwargs)
    122     _basic_checks(left_df, right_df, how, lsuffix, rsuffix)
--> 124     indices = _geom_predicate_query(left_df, right_df, predicate)
    126     joined = _frame_join(indices, left_df, right_df, how, lsuffix, rsuffix)

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/tools/ in _geom_predicate_query(left_df, right_df, predicate)
    214             # all other predicates are symmetric
    215             # keep them the same
--> 216             sindex = right_df.sindex
    217             input_geoms = left_df.geometry

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/ in sindex(self)
   2704                [2]])
   2705         """
-> 2706         return self.geometry.values.sindex
   2708     @property

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/ in sindex(self)
    289     def sindex(self):
    290         if self._sindex is None:
--> 291             self._sindex = _get_sindex_class()(
    292         return self._sindex

~/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/geopandas/ in _get_sindex_class()
     19     if compat.HAS_RTREE:
     20         return RTreeIndex
---> 21     raise ImportError(
     22         "Spatial indexes require either `rtree` or `pygeos`. "
     23         "See installation instructions at"

ImportError: Spatial indexes require either `rtree` or `pygeos`. See installation instructions at
# Aggregate
districts = districts.dissolve(by='Machoz', aggfunc='sum')
geometry count
דרום POLYGON Z ((214339.262 467527.3... 3
חיפה MULTIPOLYGON Z (((205861.104 70... 3
ירושלים POLYGON Z ((192338.062 638359.2... 3
מרכז POLYGON Z ((171124.422 631538.1... 5
צפון MULTIPOLYGON Z (((204779.953 71... 2
תל אביב POLYGON Z ((177310.813 655789.8... 2
# Subtract 1 (self)
districts['count'] = districts['count'] - 1
geometry count
דרום POLYGON Z ((214339.262 467527.3... 2
חיפה MULTIPOLYGON Z (((205861.104 70... 2
ירושלים POLYGON Z ((192338.062 638359.2... 2
מרכז POLYGON Z ((171124.422 631538.1... 4
צפון MULTIPOLYGON Z (((204779.953 71... 1
תל אביב POLYGON Z ((177310.813 655789.8... 1
# Plot
districts.plot(column='count', cmap='Spectral', edgecolor='grey', legend=True);

Exercise 09-h#

import pandas as pd
import geopandas as gpd
# Read & subset columns
stations = gpd.read_file('data/RAIL_STAT_ONOFF_MONTH.shp')
stat = gpd.read_file('data/statisticalareas_demography2019.gdb')
stations = stations[['STAT_NAMEH', 'geometry']]
stat = stat[['SHEM_YISHUV', 'Pop_Total', 'geometry']]
# Calculate area
stat['area'] = stat.area
SHEM_YISHUV Pop_Total geometry area
0 המעפיל 869.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((198790.704 698580.560, 198811.... 4.195856e+05
1 משגב עם 339.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((251692.761 794858.649, 251719.... 2.482362e+05
2 גאולים 968.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((194649.280 690123.970, 194803.... 2.274099e+06
3 להבות הבשן 915.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((260535.621 783379.248, 260519.... 7.285277e+05
4 מכמורת 1403.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((188690.124 701820.428, 188707.... 6.281249e+05
... ... ... ... ...
3190 קריית נטפים 958.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((210706.963 669359.635, 210710.... 7.847603e+03
3191 דולב 1448.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((212744.459 648214.855, 212747.... 7.847603e+03
3192 עתניאל 1044.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((202798.088 594213.306, 202801.... 7.847603e+03
3193 יצהר 1726.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((222570.662 675002.822, 222574.... 7.847603e+03
3194 מבואות יריחו NaN MULTIPOLYGON (((239670.270 645948.661, 239673.... 7.847603e+03

3195 rows × 4 columns

# Replace "No Data" population with 0
stat['Pop_Total'] = stat['Pop_Total'].fillna(0)
SHEM_YISHUV Pop_Total geometry area
0 המעפיל 869.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((198790.704 698580.560, 198811.... 4.195856e+05
1 משגב עם 339.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((251692.761 794858.649, 251719.... 2.482362e+05
2 גאולים 968.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((194649.280 690123.970, 194803.... 2.274099e+06
3 להבות הבשן 915.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((260535.621 783379.248, 260519.... 7.285277e+05
4 מכמורת 1403.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((188690.124 701820.428, 188707.... 6.281249e+05
... ... ... ... ...
3190 קריית נטפים 958.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((210706.963 669359.635, 210710.... 7.847603e+03
3191 דולב 1448.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((212744.459 648214.855, 212747.... 7.847603e+03
3192 עתניאל 1044.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((202798.088 594213.306, 202801.... 7.847603e+03
3193 יצהר 1726.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((222570.662 675002.822, 222574.... 7.847603e+03
3194 מבואות יריחו 0.0 MULTIPOLYGON (((239670.270 645948.661, 239673.... 7.847603e+03

3195 rows × 4 columns

# Buffer stations
stations['geometry'] = stations.buffer(1000)
STAT_NAMEH geometry
0 ראשון לציון משה דיין POLYGON ((178206.094 655059.936, 178201.279 65...
1 קרית ספיר נתניה POLYGON ((188592.123 687587.598, 188587.308 68...
2 ת"א השלום POLYGON ((181621.940 664537.210, 181617.125 66...
3 שדרות POLYGON ((161722.849 602798.889, 161718.033 60...
4 רמלה POLYGON ((189508.910 648466.870, 189504.095 64...
... ... ...
58 מגדל העמק כפר ברוך POLYGON ((220851.931 728164.825, 220847.116 72...
59 באר שבע אוניברסיטה POLYGON ((182813.614 574550.411, 182808.798 57...
60 חיפה בת גלים POLYGON ((199610.010 748443.790, 199605.195 74...
61 לוד POLYGON ((189315.977 650289.373, 189311.162 65...
62 נהריה POLYGON ((210570.590 767769.220, 210565.775 76...

63 rows × 2 columns

# Intersect
stations = gpd.overlay(stations, stat, how="intersection")
STAT_NAMEH SHEM_YISHUV Pop_Total area geometry
0 ראשון לציון משה דיין חולון 0.0 4.161271e+05 POLYGON ((177401.184 656040.721, 177496.379 65...
1 בת ים קוממיות חולון 0.0 4.161271e+05 POLYGON ((177911.240 656463.090, 177888.670 65...
2 ראשון לציון משה דיין בת ים 1549.0 1.667471e+06 POLYGON ((176734.697 655941.857, 176823.411 65...
3 בת ים יוספטל בת ים 1549.0 1.667471e+06 POLYGON ((176702.235 657724.386, 176678.391 65...
4 בת ים קוממיות בת ים 1549.0 1.667471e+06 POLYGON ((176480.670 656118.579, 176447.609 65...
... ... ... ... ... ...
584 נהריה נהרייה 4513.0 4.696705e+05 POLYGON ((208797.580 768403.613, 208863.483 76...
585 נהריה נהרייה 3947.0 3.870092e+05 POLYGON ((208646.710 768151.903, 208688.669 76...
586 נהריה נהרייה 3228.0 4.423230e+05 POLYGON ((208575.405 767867.237, 208589.805 76...
587 נהריה נהרייה 5745.0 4.866801e+05 POLYGON ((208739.120 767213.650, 208688.669 76...
588 נהריה נהרייה 7076.0 1.308312e+06 POLYGON ((209375.500 766788.435, 209280.305 76...

589 rows × 5 columns

# Calculate population per polygon
stations['area1'] = stations.area
stations['prop'] = stations['area1'] / stations['area']
stations['pop1'] = stations['Pop_Total'] * stations['prop']
STAT_NAMEH SHEM_YISHUV Pop_Total area geometry area1 prop pop1
0 ראשון לציון משה דיין חולון 0.0 4.161271e+05 POLYGON ((177401.184 656040.721, 177496.379 65... 119577.976361 0.287359 0.000000
1 בת ים קוממיות חולון 0.0 4.161271e+05 POLYGON ((177911.240 656463.090, 177888.670 65... 416127.085983 1.000000 0.000000
2 ראשון לציון משה דיין בת ים 1549.0 1.667471e+06 POLYGON ((176734.697 655941.857, 176823.411 65... 165230.066812 0.099090 153.490774
3 בת ים יוספטל בת ים 1549.0 1.667471e+06 POLYGON ((176702.235 657724.386, 176678.391 65... 45069.519276 0.027029 41.867413
4 בת ים קוממיות בת ים 1549.0 1.667471e+06 POLYGON ((176480.670 656118.579, 176447.609 65... 765448.317038 0.459048 711.064620
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
584 נהריה נהרייה 4513.0 4.696705e+05 POLYGON ((208797.580 768403.613, 208863.483 76... 352598.187026 0.750735 3388.068019
585 נהריה נהרייה 3947.0 3.870092e+05 POLYGON ((208646.710 768151.903, 208688.669 76... 324775.549789 0.839193 3312.296416
586 נהריה נהרייה 3228.0 4.423230e+05 POLYGON ((208575.405 767867.237, 208589.805 76... 427565.966690 0.966637 3120.305430
587 נהריה נהרייה 5745.0 4.866801e+05 POLYGON ((208739.120 767213.650, 208688.669 76... 387469.851531 0.796149 4573.875376
588 נהריה נהרייה 7076.0 1.308312e+06 POLYGON ((209375.500 766788.435, 209280.305 76... 160615.106359 0.122765 868.686321

589 rows × 8 columns

# Dissolve
stations = stations[['STAT_NAMEH', 'pop1', 'geometry']].dissolve(by='STAT_NAMEH', aggfunc='sum').reset_index()
STAT_NAMEH geometry pop1
0 אופקים POLYGON ((165365.894 580214.219, 165268.821 58... 87.255153
1 אחיהוד POLYGON ((216050.708 756566.100, 216041.383 75... 499.515455
2 אשדוד עד הלום POLYGON ((168257.270 630397.885, 168165.251 63... 1980.780315
3 אשקלון POLYGON ((163065.155 619740.598, 162976.442 61... 688.438355
4 באר יעקב POLYGON ((183715.588 647952.959, 183620.394 64... 8294.583098
... ... ... ...
58 שער צומת חולון POLYGON ((178470.478 659675.076, 178391.655 65... 14188.762474
59 ת"א אוניברסיטה POLYGON ((181155.300 667044.540, 181076.477 66... 9160.396912
60 ת"א ההגנה POLYGON ((179349.547 661510.335, 179347.178 66... 23976.189521
61 ת"א השלום POLYGON ((180523.923 663542.025, 180426.850 66... 25821.530059
62 ת"א סבידור מרכז POLYGON ((180306.847 665089.717, 180277.411 66... 39493.940946

63 rows × 3 columns

# Sort
stations = stations.sort_values(by='pop1', ascending=False)

Exercise 09-i#

# Read & subset columns
towns = gpd.read_file('data/muni_il.shp', encoding='utf-8')
rail = gpd.read_file('data/RAIL_STRATEGIC.shp')
towns = towns[['Muni_Heb', 'geometry']]
rail = rail[['ISACTIVE', 'geometry']]
# Subset railways
sel = rail['ISACTIVE'] == 'פעיל'
rail = rail[sel]
# Dissolve towns
towns = towns.dissolve(by='Muni_Heb').reset_index()
# Union railway lines
rail1 = rail.unary_union
# Subset towns
sel = towns.intersects(rail1)
towns = towns[sel]
# Plot
base = towns.plot(color='lightgrey', edgecolor='grey')
rail.plot(ax=base, color='black');