Home assignment 3

Home assignment 3#

Last updated: 2024-10-16 19:12:30

Question 1#

  • Read the 'education.csv' file into a DataFrame object.

  • Calculate and print a new table, where each row represents a type of education facility, with the following columns:

    • 'type'—Facility type

    • 'count'—Total number of facilities of that type

    • 'valid_address'—The percent of facilities with a valid address (i.e., other than np.nan). The values should be strings of the form '86.1%' (with one decimal).

type count valid_address
0 בית ספר 65 84.6%
1 גן ילדים 395 83.3%
2 חווה חקלאי 1 0.0%
3 מרכז מדעים 2 50.0%
4 על יסודי 26 69.2%

Question 2#

  • The text file named 'bgu.wkt' (see Sample data) contains a WKT string representing the geometry of the BGU logo.

  • Read the WKT string from the 'bgu.wkt' file, using the open and .readline methods (see Working with files). Convert the string into a shapely geometry

  • Note: Do not copy and paste the WKT string into your code! You need to read it from the 'bgu.wkt' file.

  • Display the logo graphically.

  • Calculate the area of the logo.

  • Calculate a circle that is enclosing the logo. To do that, first calculate the average of x-axis bounds and the average of the y-axis bounds, then construct a point according to those x and y values, and finally buffer the point to a distance of your choice so that the logo is completely within the buffer.

  • Calculate the geometry of the difference between the logo and the bouding circle you calculated, then plot it.
