D General Information

Last updated: 2018-11-11 20:44:59

D.1 Place and Time

  • Course number: 128.1.0148
  • Location: Building 72, Room 249
  • Time: Sunday 16:15-19:00
  • Instructor: Michael Dorman (dorman@post.bgu.ac.il)

D.2 Course materials

Course materials are included in the website you are currently viewing.

The main up-to-date version of the website is hosted in the following address.

A backup copy of the website is hosted in the following address.

The backup copy will be updated only periodically, so you should use the main version whenever possible.

D.3 Lesson Plan

Introduction to Web Technologies

Web Mapping with Leaflet

Project 1


Project 2

Advanced topics

Project 3