F Exercise 04

Last updated: 2020-08-12 00:41:49

F.1 Question 1

  • Read the Shapefile named nafot.shp, which includes polygons of “Nafa” administrative regions in Israel.
  • Calculate how many neighboring polygons each “Nafa” intersects with (not including self!).
  • Print a map that shows the number of neighbors per “Nafa” (Figure F.1).
  • Remember: do not use specific values in your calculation, the number of neighbors needs to be calculated in the code!
Number of neighbors per "Nafa"

Figure F.1: Number of neighbors per “Nafa”

(50 points)

F.2 Question 1

  • Load the built-in data.frame object named world.cities from the maps package, as follows:
  • The world.cities object is a table with world cities of population greater than about 40,000. The table includes the longitude and latitude of each city in the long and lat columns, respectively.
  • Read the Shapefile named nafot.shp, which includes polygons of “Nafa” administrative regions in Israel.
  • Subset those cities which intersect with the “Nafa” polygons.
  • Calculate, a layer named pol representing the area in each “Nafa” that is \(>20\) \(km\) from the nearest city in world.cities.
  • Note: Transform world.cities to the ITM Coordinate Reference System of nafot.shp (which is in ITM), then use ITM for all calculations.
  • Plot:
    • The “Nafa” layer (transparent, with grey borders)
    • The calculated layer with the area \(>20\) \(km\) from the nearest city (in green)
    • All cities intersecting with the “Nafa” layer (as circles)
  • Add text labels on the areas \(>20\) \(km\) from the nearest town with the name of the corresponding Nafa (in red).
  • In the end, you should get a map such as the one shown in Figure F.2.
Area $>20$ $km$ from nearest city in each "Nafa"

Figure F.2: Area \(>20\) \(km\) from nearest city in each “Nafa”

(50 points)